
About Me
Seeking Help From A Family Law Attorney

My name is Juliette Meeks and welcome to my blog about family law. A few months ago, I was having some family issues that required me to seek the help of an attorney. I had never needed an attorney before and I was a bit apprehensive at first to schedule a consultation. Once I did, my attorney put my fears to rest very quickly. The attorney outlined my options and answered all of my questions very thoroughly. My legal matter was settled quickly and I am thankful that I decided to seek the help of an attorney. If you need a family attorney to assist you with legal matters, you should schedule a consultation right away. In this blog, you'll learn what to expect during your first visit and all of the important questions you should ask.


Your Questions About Bankruptcy, Debt Thresholds, And More

18 September 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Even though you may start out with the best intentions when borrowing money and accumulating debt, it is not unheard of for consumers to grow overwhelmed and have to file bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can sound scary, but with a bankruptcy lawyer to guide you, answer questions, and interact with creditors, things can be seamless. Here are a few things you may want to know in the process.  Is there a minimum amount of debt required in order to file bankruptcy? Read More …

Can A Personal Injury Case Include PTSD?

17 August 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

After a personal injury, many people express a series of emotions that surprise them. These emotions are often part of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. You may be surprised to learn that you can face PTSD after a serious injury, including a car accident or pedestrian accident. You might even be more surprised to learn that your symptoms could lead to a successful personal injury case. Are you thinking about pursuing a personal injury case based on your PTSD diagnosis? Read More …

Meeting A Personal Injury Lawyer For The First Time? What You Should Expect

20 July 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you have suffered an injury as a result of another's negligence, you will want to meet with a personal injury attorney to determine what steps you should take in pursuing the compensation that you rightfully deserve. However, as a general rule, you probably have never been in a situation like this before, which means you have likely never even spoken with a lawyer before. If you have never hired law services previously, you have no idea what to expect at that first meeting with a legal professional. Read More …

Questions About What to Do if You’re Injured While on Your Bike

17 June 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Auto accidents are usually easy to figure out when it comes to who to file an insurance claim through and who is responsible due to traffic laws. However, things get more complicated when you are injured while on your bike. Here are a few questions you may have about this type of accident. 1. Do You Use Auto Insurance as an Injured Cyclist? One thing that you may not realize is that you can use your car insurance as a cyclist to cover the injuries sustained in an accident with another vehicle, even if you're on a bike. Read More …

How An Association Lawyer Can Help Protect A Homeowner’s Association And Its Members

12 May 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

When you buy a townhouse or a condominium, you will most likely become part of a homeowner's association or HOA. This HOA is usually set up by the corporation who operates the building and sees to its maintenance and repairs. Townhouse owners and condominium owners pay into the HOA and typically have a say in any rule changes or even the overall upkeep of the building and grounds. An association lawyer helps to protect the HOA as a whole and can also provide services in the event of a dispute among owners and the HOA. Read More …