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Seeking Help From A Family Law Attorney

My name is Juliette Meeks and welcome to my blog about family law. A few months ago, I was having some family issues that required me to seek the help of an attorney. I had never needed an attorney before and I was a bit apprehensive at first to schedule a consultation. Once I did, my attorney put my fears to rest very quickly. The attorney outlined my options and answered all of my questions very thoroughly. My legal matter was settled quickly and I am thankful that I decided to seek the help of an attorney. If you need a family attorney to assist you with legal matters, you should schedule a consultation right away. In this blog, you'll learn what to expect during your first visit and all of the important questions you should ask.


3 Things You Need To Kick A Spouse Out Of The House During A Divorce

24 October 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

As long as your divorce hasn't been finalized, both of you have a right to continue using or living in your marital home. Therefore, if you want sole use of the home during this period, you need the court's help to get your partner out of the home. Here are three things you will need to prove to get your partner out of the home while the divorce is pending. Read More …

Thinking About Buying A House? Why You Should Hire An Attorney

8 August 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Regardless of your income level or economic standing purchasing a house is a pretty big deal. You're likely going to spend more money on the house than you would even think about splurging on another item because you're hoping that you're making an investment that will pay off both now and in the future. Although you have probably already contracted with a real estate agent and are being assisted throughout the home buying process, you also need to think about the legal aspect of the deal. Read More …

Pros And Cons Of Having Different Medical And Financial Powers Of Attorney

11 July 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

When they're making plans about their estate, many people will choose a responsible person with whom they have a close relationship to serve as the medical and financial power of attorney. This person — often your adult child — then has the legal power to make any important medical and financial decisions in the event that you cannot make these decisions yourself. While it's customary to have one person handle both of these duties, this isn't always the case. Read More …

Tips For Keeping Evidence Photos During A Personal Injury Case

8 June 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

One of the big factors that can boost your likelihood of getting a favorable court ruling or settlement in a personal injury case is the quality of the photos that you have. If you had the wherewithal to take photos immediately upon the incident taking place, whether you were bitten by someone's aggressive dog, slipped in a store, or sustained an injury in another manner, you'll want to pass these images to your personal injury attorney as he or she prepares your case. Read More …

3 Reasons To Work With A Bankruptcy Lawyer When Faced With Crippling Debt

10 May 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Dealing with excessive debt can put a lot of pressure on your shoulders. It may be so much that the only thing left to do is file for bankruptcy. This process doesn't have to be as intimidating or stressful as it seems if you work with a bankruptcy lawyer. They can provide the following benefits during this trying time.  Pinpoint the Right Financial Option  Even though there are some positives to filing for bankruptcy, it's a decision that impacts your finances for the foreseeable future. Read More …